by Ferne Kornfeld | Jun 11, 2021 | Female Business Owners, Ferne Kornfeld
Women are taking the lead in industries once dominated by men and are just as, if not more, successful. Owning their own business, managing high-profile projects, and taking on the role of an innovator, women bring something new to the table. Instead of being hesitant...
by Ferne Kornfeld | May 12, 2021 | Female Business Owners, Ferne Kornfeld
Female entrepreneurship is on the rise. Yet even as those numbers grow, many more are coming up against the same barriers time and time again. Some of those barriers are societal, while others are more mental. There’s no arguing that the gender gap is real, but...
by Ferne Kornfeld | Apr 14, 2021 | Female Business Owners, Ferne Kornfeld
Networking is a daily part of life in business. It’s a crucial part of career development and running a business. However, business women tend to face a few additional challenges when it comes to networking. These challenges do not negate networking’s...
by Ferne Kornfeld | Mar 16, 2021 | Female Business Owners, Ferne Kornfeld
In 2019, the rate of new women entrepreneurs among female U.S. residents was 0.23 percent. For males, the rate was 0.38 percent. While this is still a sizable difference, the gap is getting smaller. Over the past five years, women-owned businesses have grown at a rate...
by Ferne Kornfeld | Feb 9, 2021 | Female Business Owners, Ferne Kornfeld
When people think of and envision a great leader, gender shouldn’t be a factor. More often than not, it is. Much of the time, people will picture a man in a position of power or leadership. This is mostly because, throughout history, there have been significantly more...
by Ferne Kornfeld | Jan 11, 2021 | Female Business Owners, Ferne Kornfeld
To be an entrepreneur, there are personality traits that one must possess. You must have vision and confidence to realize your goals and see them through. You must have a passion for your idea, whether it’s a new concept or an improvement on an existing one. Confucius...